The difference is more evident without the boost on. Change the linear volume pot P4 to one with an audio taper. This brings me to my second recommended mod. The only issue with it is that when the boost is on and the gain is set high, the amp is VERY loud. Just snip the LEDs and you immediately get rid of that "bees in a can" sound when the boost is on. This is the first mod that anyone should do. Ssguitar and tdpri forums have much useful info. So here is the list of my TODO stuff, gathering info from around the internet, plus results so far. I do not expect it to clip or sound like a tube amp on its own, but it can sure sound awesome with pedals. My goal is to have a nice super-clean platform to use with my pedals. Vox Pathfinder 10 schematic (rev.D 4-28-2021) - Album on Imgur The schematic has been around for almost a decade, but there still might be things that need to be fixed.

Plus it's a DIYer's dream, being a full old-school circuit with a transformer PSU and all through-hole parts. With a few mods and a cab it sounds very nice. That's my second ongoing small guitar amp project after the Fender Champion 40.